Sam's Goodbye

 I come to you today with a heavy heart. After much deliberation, I have made the very difficult decision to close Kind Kompany. I want to give every single person who has supported me full transparency about this decision as this is what you all deserve. As most of you know Covid really had Kind Kompany (and me) on its knees like most small businesses but somehow and with the much needed support from my husband, the business made it through. Then, when I fell pregnant with our wonderful boy, I had persistent sickness for my entire pregnancy (HG) which meant I was mostly bed/house bound but enjoyed a few days up and about. Then, when he arrived, I stuck tight to my commitments and took him to Happy Place festival with me and my husband when he was just weeks old. Despite the lack of sleep, breastfeeding every 2 hours, we made it! I achieved it and it felt really good. But if I’m being completely honest, being a mum has been my priority and the businesses definitely hasn’t been getting its dose of support and love from me that it truly deserves. We completed another Happy Place festival this year which was lovely but I felt my mind completely absent as all I wanted to do was be with our son. I couldn’t focus or give Kind Kompany what it is worthy of. Most of you know Happy Place has been the Pillar, holding Kind Kompany up. It’s a beautiful festival which enables me to essentially achieve both being a Mumma and run Kind Kompany 4 days out of the year. But the festival is now looking for new small businesses (understandably) and the amount of ‘competition’ has increased there so with the future of Happy Place Festival and Kind Kompany not looking in a strong position, it has led me here. 
Someone once asked ‘can women have it all’ and honestly what does that even mean? Because surely everyone’s ‘all’ is different. Can I raise our son and be immersed in motherhood and run my small business both simultaneously, powerfully and successfully… absolutely not. But that doesn’t mean it can’t be done for someone else. For me I am surrendering to my calling, my true calling of being a mother. This decision has left me feeling sad with a sense of failure but also a sense of relief that this pressure on top of me to make both work is finally gone. I have continued to remind myself over the past few weeks that all the love and devotion I have poured into Kind Kompany, the stories I have shared, the people I have met, the community you all have built is something that will never fade. 
Thank you to every single person who didn’t just ‘buy a top’ but truly understood my mission for it was always far deeper than an item of clothing. That depth will forever live on because you don’t need a top or sweater to understand it, it’s a depth that is only understood from within. 
I will be running a huge sale until all of the remaining stock is cleared. Any support during this time would be immensely appreciated. From the bottom of my heart, THANK YOU! Kind Kompany definitely would never have been what is was without you.
Happy New Year to each and everyone of you. I hope my email helps you to see that no matter what happens in life or whatever path you decide to take; you are a remarkable human being who should be celebrated every single day.
Lots of love and of course kindness,